Life Coaching - The Powerful Benefits Of Working With A Life Coach

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hey this is the leo 4 actualized org and in this video we are going to talk about life coaching okay welcome back so let's crack into this one life coaching we're gonna talk about what life coaching is how it all works give you a little bit of a taste of what it can do for you and how it can potentially transform your life so let's break into this first of all let me start by saying that I am a professional life coach is something that I like to do besides just studying a lot of personal valid material which is really I'd say my first passion I also love to coach people on it I love to share my ideas with people and I'd like the approaches that life coaching offers the tools the the techniques and the strategies that come with that discipline I love to apply that to problems people's lives because there is something unique about coaching that's different than just advice giving and just information and training and education which are also very valuable and I'm really passionate about those but there's something about coaching that's a little bit different a little bit unique so let me talk about what coaching is so basically coaching if you've never heard of it before or done it it goes like this if you want to improve some aspect of your life somewhere where you're having a challenge or you're struggling you're just kind of stuck and you want to do better and what you really need is you need a third party objective perspective and you want someone who will hold you accountable for taking some action making some changes and can help you see new insights into your problem and maybe share some expertise and give you some education and some strategies and some techniques to get you out of it to deal with your own psychological issues then you might want to consider hiring a coach so coach will help you go from the kind of baseline normal level of quality that you have in your life to an amazing optimal level of quality that's the intent with with some individuals and this is really the difference between therapy and life coaching is that with therapy the therapist really focuses on people who are in a severely dysfunctional state so people that are crippled by depression anxiety suicidal thoughts manic depressive disorders maybe they even have some some kind of biological medical conditions physical conditions with their brain that they're working through and maybe they need medication to fix that stuff so these are more serious problems and here what we're doing is we're taking someone from a dysfunctional level to just kind of a baseline normal life coaching is about taking someone from a functional level to a optimal level like creating a kick-ass life so that's what exercise that org is about you know I love to to see how we can squeeze that last drop of potential out of you just like think about squeezing a lemon like to get every last drop out of you so that's what coaching is about practically some of the logistics of coaching coaching is usually done once a week it's done over the phone I tend to find that few coaches coach in person it's just not practical to do that it's also unnecessary in it's not very convenient although in certain environments setting in corporate environments a lot of times coaching will be done face-to-face but usually coaching is done over the phone it's usually done once a week so one call per week and I usually see coaches doing between 30 minutes per phone call to 15 minutes per phone call so somewhere around there and basically the way that it works is that you get on the phone you tell your coach your problem or your challenge and then the coach starts asking you questions to help you get to the bottom of it to create clarity for you which then you can use and you can go off and you can do the things that you need to do to start addressing that problem or maybe it's just a mental shift that you have to do and that problem gets resolved right there over the phone sometimes it's even as simple as that you can have big and profound breakthroughs and revelations while being coached and this all depends on your problem it depends on your receptivity also depends on the quality of the coach how good are they at asking you the questions that will get you to shift your thinking to think about something from a different perspective that you haven't considered before this is the real value of coaching is the perspective component a lot of people discount this or they fail to appreciate that this is even possible is that you're so stuck in your dysfunctional relationship you're so stuck procrastinating on starting that business you're so stuck in your current career and not being able to go into that dream career that you have you're so stuck with these things that you think that there's no way out and a lot of times that's in your head that's all in your head you're literally creating a cage inside your mind that you are trapping yourself in and that's totally unnecessary and with a few new perspectives new tools you can start to break out of that another great thing about coaching is that coaches will hold you accountable right a coach holds you accountable for the things that you say you're going to do sometimes it's just as simple as that because a coaching is a is a serious professional relationship you have to become into you have to show up on time you have to schedule time out of your day you have to be there to be focused for the call and you have to pay for that so when you're shelling out your money you're shelling out your time that already shows that you're committed and when you actually say that you know what I have a challenge here and I really want to fix this challenge and I'm tired of struggling through it I'm tired of waffling around it I'm gonna commit my time my money my resources my energy to get this fixed just when you make that decision and you lay out the cash and you invest your time all the sudden that already puts you into gear but then an extra layer on top of that is that your coach will be asking you about the assignments that you've been working on will ask you about the action you've been taking will challenge you to take more action than you otherwise would we'll challenge you to set higher goals for yourself when your coach does this just you can see from from that process if the coach always increases your goals a little bit more than you would have naturally if the coach is always following up with you and asking you about whether you're doing what you're supposed to be doing what you promised yourself to be doing then that is gonna create a little bit of extra motivation it becomes a little more serious in your mind this is not some sort of vague promise that you are just gonna flake on because you're paying for it because your coach is gonna question you about it coach might be disappointed in you if you don't do it so gets you a little bit of you know let's a little bit of fire under your ass so coaching how does it actually work so when you're sitting there are on the phone like what is the actual process there well usually what happens is that you come in there the coach will ask you what you want to get coached on and the coach should be really good about this the coach should not be pushing his or her agenda on you so it shouldn't be about like well I'm gonna I'm gonna fix your life for you it's very much the opposite of that it's like the client takes the initiative so you come to me and you tell me your problem you tell me okay Leo I want to get coached on this problem that I'm having at work because at work I have this one co-worker who always rubs me the wrong way I always get angry at them and I find that it gets my mind totally off of work and then I slip up on my projects and I miss my milestones and so that's creating a you know a serious problem for me at work so I want to work through that let's find a permanent solution and then I'll be like okay great let's look for a solution and I start asking you questions and it just kind of goes back and forth and back and forth and back and forth until we get you some deep insights about what kind of actions you want to take and also just about how you're thinking about the situation there's two components here one is how you see your world and what you think about the beliefs you have your psychology and the other one is about what is your action plan what are you gonna do about it after you got your psychology down you still need to go out there and probably take some action in most cases so coaching is great for getting you to drill down and clarify exactly what you need to do so a lot of times we will end the call with some action items for you to do some homework assignments maybe some journaling exercises some visualization exercises affirmations or just an action item plan for how to start that business or how to start that gym routine that you wanted to start improve your health relationship whatever and so we work through that and then the next time we meet the following week you know I'll ask you about the assignments that you've done have you done them have you not done them why haven't you done them what have you learned from them we talked about all that and then we just kind of come on and then the next challenge comes up and we talk about the next challenge and that's how it repeats so coaching is powerful it's a little bit difficult to quantify the power of coaching because some of these things that we help as coaches to get you the client to to create in your life can be subtle and profound on the same level a little bit paradoxical here so by subtle I mean we can help you get a transition or a shift in your psychology how you think about relationships how do you think about business maybe get rid of some limiting beliefs that you have about money or your health and really open up the floodgates for you then go out there and create amazing success for yourself and it's really easy to discount the value of that and I'm not just saying this because I need to create a job for myself I'm saying this because well people and human psychology has a hard time understanding abstract things and evaluating putting proper value on abstract things that's why it's a little bit hard sometimes to sell personal development all these videos that I'm shooting on the one hand people can tell like wow this is something that can really change my life and other hand a lot of times people will look at and say well it's not really nothing that's kind of obvious it's kind of common sense what is that really gonna do for me is that really gonna change my life and when you take that kind of attitude to it then what you're doing is it's like you're taking it picking up a diamond a diamond in the rough and you're just kind of like throwing it out because it's not all pretty and sparkly because it's not quite always obvious so you have the long-term wisdom to see what this can do for you and if you're thinking well my life is pretty good already and you know if I'm already fairly successful I'll earn a good income my health is good my relationship is good some part of your life is good then I got to really tell you that coaching is actually perfect for you because there is the next level right it's about taking you to the next level you might be asking yourself why do I need a coach coaches are for people who have screwed up lives and nothing really could be further from the truth the people that have amazing lives are always working on their lives that's why their lives are amazing and in fact it's the people that are screwed up that generally either a they don't have the the foresight to know that they even have a problem so they don't hire a coach they don't have the money because they're so screwed up psychologically that they can't have a decent paycheck so they don't even have the money or the time to hire a coach and they just they don't see the value in it right for them they have more urgent problems like they need to keep it electricity on they need to feed their kids they need to make sure their marriage doesn't crumble something drastic like that whereas with with people that are already having pretty successful lives you know they always want to take it up to the next level to the next level it's the next level and you're gonna be surprised how high you can go that's another thing that coaches are great at is that we can help you see the potential in you that maybe you don't even fully acknowledge to yourself sometimes we have a hard time acknowledging our own successes and our own potential and you need someone like a coach a mentor type figure in your life someone who's gonna say you know what I see more in you I see that you're working at this job but I know that you could go and start your own business or I see that you've already started your own business but I know that you can triple the earnings of that business or I can see that you're having this relationship but we can take it to the next level we can get all your relationships and all your all your interactions to be improved if we do for example work on your on your communication skills or your understanding and your empathy skills understanding other people emotional intelligence stuff like that so that can be really powerful is when we see potential in you that even you do not see that's a lot of times even why a coach will need a coach because I tend to fall in that same problem too sometimes I don't see my own potential so I get a lot of value out of coaching even though I know how to coach and I know a lot of stuff that I've studied from personal development I get a lot of value out of being coached by somebody else because it's a new perspective and that's just like somebody pushing you forward so I mean someone who trusts and you someone who believes in you and not in a fake way but in a genuine way because they get to know you as your as your coach your coach will know you will know intimate details about your life and they'll know your strengths they'll know your weaknesses and they're not just gonna you they're gonna tell it to you like it is at least if they're a good coach they will okay so ultimately what can coaching do for you and I'm not shooting this video to pitch my own coaching services I do coach and if you want to check that out you can on my coaching page at actualized org but really feel free to hire any coach out there who you like who you resonate with who you click with you like but what coaching can do for you I think ultimately is really cut the learning curve of your development cut the learning curve if you've been doing personal development you probably realize and you've probably struggled with this issue where you go out there you read one book you read some magazine article maybe you even listen to a video like this you go out there and you try to make some changes try to implement something and then you you come up against the wall right the brick wall and you keep hitting your head against the wall and you're stuck and you're stuck and you're stuck and you know there's something more but then you get discouraged you don't know how to do it or maybe you're even making progress but that progress is slow and painful and it's very grindy well I've been there I'm speaking from recognition so this is what coaching can do this coaching can cut your learning curve we can't eliminate it for you I want to be really clear about this we're not gonna go out there as your coach and take the action we're not gonna promise you a million dollars I'm gonna promise you a new business a new car or a new life or a new husband or a new girlfriend or boyfriend or anything in fact we really need you to be extremely proactive in this coaching relationship you need to be coming up to us with challenges and problems and asking questions then we can get you the answers that you need so what a coach can do though is cut that learning curve because if you are wise and you really understand what your life progress and your life growth is going to look like you know that if you're doing it right you have a slow steady upward path if you're doing personal development if you're not then your life's going down the toilet by either a slow or maybe even a quick downward path so we definitely don't you to be there and if you are going down that road definitely consider a coach immediately or perhaps at their best but if you're on that upward slow upward path and you see that there's like more there and you just kind of feel it you know that there's something more and there's just something you don't understand something you don't know and you see that there might be another way then a coach will cut that curve for you so you're not struggling as much we can point you to the resources that you need we can point you to the ideas that you need and sometimes that's all it takes is just one idea don't discount the power of one idea applied consistently in the right place in your life at exactly the right time that could have a huge shift huge shift breakthrough shift so really think about this think about how serious you are about improving your life and also consider that coaches some of the best performing people out there in the world CEOs professional athletes these people have coaches they have mentors how do you think they got there Tiger Woods has a coach even though Tiger Woods is an amazing golfer and he probably golf's better than his coach why does he have a coach well because the coach can give him new insights the coach can give him a third perspective the coach can share information that he studied that maybe Tiger Woods's have time to study the coach can inspire him the coach can see potential within him this is the same with CEOs almost every CEO in every major corporation especially like the fortune 5,000 even or fortune 500 especially all of them have been coached they didn't get them by themselves they get coaching I mean it's just that's how you progress in life is you have someone show you the ropes someone who has either been there and done that and has practical advice or someone who can just ask you the questions you need to ask to get you to think very very clearly a lot of times that's what coaching is really about is clarity you might even know the answers but right now you have not articulated them you have not written them down on paper and a coach will get you to do that a coach will get you so much clarity about the direction of your life your goals your vision where you want to go your weaknesses your strengths what you need to be working on what you don't need to be working on what you should be thinking what you shouldn't be thinking so all of this can a profound effect and cut your learning curve substantially so I like to say that what would take you a normal person 3 years of personal development work to get with a coaching relationship with myself I can probably get you that much progress and three months so think about that would you rather spend the next three years fumbling around trying to get this stuff done or get it done in three months right and think about what that is going to do to your wallet a lot of times people will say well coaching and coaching you expenses I don't know I want to pay that kind of money but think about it because coaching is not going to be a lifelong relationship coaching can last for just a few months it could last longer than that but a lot of times the problems are fixed in just a few months you get some profound realizations and epiphanies that you take away with you some tools and strategies that then you can apply for the rest of your life and if your learning curve is cut from three years to three months you know that difference what are you gonna do with that time you can do some powerful things and you can make up that money many many many times over so do not limit yourself with the money problem in fact if you are having objections to coaching even though you know you need it but you're saying that it's too expensive it's too frivolous then that is actually probably one of the biggest limiting beliefs that is holding you back in life right now and you should get coaching just for that reason right there so gather the courage and consider a coach if you see that you have something bigger that you want to accomplish with your life all right this is Leo I am signing off leaving your comments what do you think about coaching have you been coached etc tell me about your experiences any questions that you may have that I could answer in the future and please like this share this and then of course go to actualised org to subscribe to my free newsletter where we have some amazing exclusive bonuses a 90 minute video series that you can only find there also a chance to win some free coaching I give away two hours of free coaching every month to my subscribers so you might want to check that out and get a chance to get that and then of course sign up because a lot of the stuff that you would get in coaching I actually gave it away for free in all the articles and videos that I'm publishing on a daily and weekly basis so this is actually an awesome opportunity for you to kind of do a little bit of self coaching and to see what kind of things are going on because personal development in coaching the a lot of overlap there you